What Are Contraindications and Why Are They So Important?

What is a contra-indications in beauty therapy?

Contraindication is a specific situation in which the treatment should not be carried out due to harm and danger to a person’s health.

There are two types of contraindication:


What Are Contraindications and Why Are They So Important? 1

Why is it important to check for contraindications?

Beauty and body treatments can hide a minefield of potentially damaging problems to the unsuspecting client, and at the end of the day it’s the Therapist’s responsibility to protect the client by ensuring the treatment booked is suitable for them.

Checking for contraindications prior to the treatment can easily prevent the possibility of a claim being made against you.

What Are Contraindications and Why Are They So Important? 2 Why is it important to carry out a consultation?

It is in both in the Therapist’s and the client’s best interest to make sure that the medical questionnaire is answered honestly and is kept up-to-date. Be constructive and informative, professional and compassionate. Clients will appreciate your decision. After all, you are the professional and the expert. Explain that its for their own safety.

Client consultations are a crucial part of being in the professional beauty industry.

What Are Contraindications and Why Are They So Important? 2

We have created a pedestrian light (RED, YELLOW and GREEN)

Yellow Colour – Relative Contraindication- Be cautious and do not perform the treatment over the affected area. This is a localised contraindication

Yellow Colour - Relative Contraindication

Red Colour – Total Contraindication of the treatment

Red Colour – Total Contraindication of the treatment

Green Colour – Not contraindicated, you can perform the treatment safely.

Green Colour – Not contraindicated, you can perform the treatment safely.

In the conclusion

Important! Whatever you do, do not compromise on safety and precaution, unless a letter from a doctor has been provided.

We also provided more information about every condition: names, signs, symptoms and a simple description.

I am sure you will find Salon Compass to be a great help and companion to various conditions that may come up during consultation, as well as the treatment itself.

And now its time to put theory in practice.

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